Our Service

MDT offers machining services for the mining industry in special jobs where high precision is required. Our CNC lathe spindle hole of 381 mm or 15″, has a working capacity between center of 2.200 mm, and heavy duty tailstock with load capacity of 8.000 kgs, which allows us to machine pieces of large volume, length and weight. Also our machining centers (CNC) of 4 axes, allow us to realize diverse customized support works such us redesign and repair to mining companies and the big industry.

Commercial office

Manufacturing plant

contact request

Phone Number

562-2416 3066


+569 6836 3266



Commercial office location

Av. Principe de Gales N° 5921, Of. 505, La Reina, Santiago de Chile.

Manufacturing plant location

Maria Pinto, Región metropolitana, Chile